Walking mode expected ROI

  1. To achieve game ROI of 4% per month, user need to walk their dog minimum 1km per day for 30 days regardless same route or different route.

  2. Maximum game ROI is 4% per month even if user walk their dog more than 1km everyday

  3. For each 100m that user walk, system will record and pay ROI of 0,00033% at the end of month

  4. Formula to calculate 4% game ROI.

Token ROI = (amount of Token to purchase dog + amount of Token to buy dog food + amount token to buy dog accessory) * 4%

5. User will find a treasure box for every 80s walking

From Q4 2022

  1. If user walk their dog consistency everyday on the same route , their Game token ROI is 4% per month

From Q2 2023

  1. If user walk their dog daily consistency everyday on always new route, their Game token ROI is 36% per month

  2. If a user walk 4 times every day in consecutive 7 days on same route, a user will receive 50% bonus tokens. Their end of month token ROI is estimate at 6%

  3. If user create an event and invite 5 or more people walking together once a week, event organizer will receive addition 50% the tokens for the previous week. User who can organize 4 events of walking together in a month. Token ROI is estimately at 6%

  4. An extra bonus token at end of month will be rewared to user who can do both No 2 and No 3 in the same month. Their Token ROI is at estimately at 16%

  5. A user who can do both No 2 and No 3 in the same month on always new route, their Token ROI is at estimate at 144%

Last updated