Socialize to earn

Users may invite other users to go for a walk together. Going for a walk with 2 people (Suzu dogs) will double the probability of finding treasure twice.

Breeding may also happen on this occasion!

  1. Invite friend/Referral

  • There is no fee for users to use this function

  • This function allow user to invite friend from any where to join the game

2. Organize community walk ( from 2 user or more)

This increase the chance of receiving box for all the users

From Q1 2023

Users may invite other users to go for a walk together. Going for a walk with 2 people (Suzu dogs) will double the probability of finding treasure twice.

Breeding may also happen on this occasion!

  1. Invite friend/Referral

  • There is no fee for users to use this function

  • User will be rewarded with SZT token for number of friend who register Suzuwalk app from 1 friend, 3 , 5, 10, 15, 20....

  • This function allow user to invite friend from any where to join the game

2. Make connection

  • There is no fee for users to use this function

  • User will be reward token for number of friend who register Suzuwalk app from 1 friend, 3 , 5, 10, 15, 20....

  • Token reward will be 50% higher than No 1.

  • Qualified connection must use NFC (Near -Field Communication) This encourages people to get together.

3. Organize community walk ( from 2 user or more)

  • user must pay SZT token to use this function

  • organizer must submit or choose available goal: time x distance x number of people

  • token reward will be given to the organizer if the goal is completed

4. Auction event for pet items (coming)

  • user must pay SZT token to use this function

  • organizer must submit or choose available goal: revenue, items...etc

  • token reward will be give to organizer if the goal is completed

5. Charity event (coming)

  • user must pay SZT token to use this function

  • organizer must submit or choose available goal: revenue, items...etc

  • token reward will be give to organizer if the goal is completed

6. Dog Dating (monthly subcription) (coming)

  • Other dog owner in the area

  • Matching profile

  • chat function

Last updated